Migrants who return home often face significant obstacles in rebuilding their lives. When her situation in Egypt became too difficult, Fatima decided to move back...
A number of other international, as well as Palestinian rights groups, have reportedly condemned the death penalty, which was not approved by the Mahmoud Abbas,...
Somalia is also reeling from conflict and instability, which are worsening hunger, and restricting the supply of aid to those who need it. These conditions...
Rising acute food insecurity in Somalia has caused more than 900,000 people to flee their homes in search of humanitarian assistance since January last year,...
Afterwards, the Bali Tourism Office recommended that I take part in the International Labour Organisation’s Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) hospitality coaching programme. ...
The UN Secretary-General ‘unequivocally’ condemned the reported strikes this Saturday in the port of Odesa. The attack took place less than 24 hours after the...