
After Congress ‘Rebel’ Meet, Bhupinder Hooda Meets Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi: Former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today. In the meet Bhupinder explained the current situation at Haryana to Rahul Gandhi and had a discussion about how the party should be strengthened in the state, sources said.

A group of 18 Congress leaders — a mix of G-23 dissidents and some ‘newcomers’ — spoke in favour of a “collective, inclusive leadership” after a meeting at the house of senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad yesterday.

From the group Bhupinder is the first leader to visit Rahul Gandhi.

NDTV’s sources said that Rahul Gandhi agreed with the suggestions that had been put forward at the G-23 meet. 

Bhupinder has been upset with the party for not giving him – or his son Deepinder Hooda – the post of state chief, sources said. He has a squabble relation with Haryana Congress chief Selja Kumari, who is believed to be close to the Gandhis.

Bhupinder was one of the newcomers who attended the meet. The 23 dissenters had written to Sonia Gandhi two years ago demanding big changes in the Congress, including a leadership overhaul.

At the Working Committee meeting to assess what went wrong in the elections, there was talk of forming a new committee to prepare for the elections after the parliament session, but no commitment was given about any hard change.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi asked the Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Presidents of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa & Manipur to put in their resignations in order to facilitate reorganization of PCC’s, Congress’ communications in-charge Randeep Surjewala informed on Tuesday.

This directive by Congress president comes after the grand old party’s drubbing in recently concluded assmebly elections.

The Congress lost to its prime rival BJP in UP, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur, whereas the AAP defeated the Congress in Punjab, where the Sonia Gandhi-led party was in power. 

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