
Padalkar Slams Ajit Pawar & Jitendra Awhad For Misleading OBCs

Mumbai: BJP MLA Gopichand Padalkar slammed MVA Minister Jitendra Awhad and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar over OBCs reservation issue. He said that once government of established leaders, treated the OBCs as foot soldiers, and now suddenly trying to show its love for them. He further challenged the Government to stage all OBC candidates for the local body polls.

“The government of established leaders once used OBCs as foot soldiers, and now suddenly trying to show its love for the community. This is ridiculous and false. This government put in efforts only asking dates in the court on the reservation issue till the judiciary cancelled it. Now, the court decision has shaken them,” the BJP leader said.

Attacking the government, he said that the court has no clue about what the backward class is doing. They are just clueless about what is happening post the court’s decision cancelling OBC reservation. “The government has no idea about what the backward class commission is doing, if a sub-committee of OBC ministers appointed functioning or not, whether empirical data is being collected? All these questions are unanswered. However, the ministers are busy in making false promises about the reservation.”

Padalkar criticised MVA Minister Jitendra Awhad for saying he did not believe in OBCs because they did not fight when the Mandal Commission came. “It is not known which history Awhad has studied but this established leadership had opposed the Mandal Commission then. I think he is just like a ‘contract worker’ to please the established leaders by making such statements. But in reality these established leaders had expressed huge displeasure over reservation to the deprived. Hundreds of OBCs had set themselves on fire. Don’t you know this history of OBC?” the MLC asked.

The BJP leader also targeted deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar who has said that there won’t be elections till the empirical data is collected and if needed an administrator would be appointed. “It is a tradition to appoint the administrator of own choice and taking undue advantage from the local bodies,” he said.

Padalkar challenged the government, “If you love OBCs then BJP would field OBCs in all the constituencies and you ensure to elect them all else you announce to field OBC candidates in all the constituencies,” he said. 

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