India National News Politics

BJP MP Suresh Gopi: From BJP Victory To Ministerial Doubts

Suresh Gopi had a remarkable week in his political career. He achieved a significant milestone by securing the BJP’s first-ever seat in Kerala, a state traditionally seen as impervious to the party. Following this feat, he was sworn in as a Minister of State in the NDA 3.0 government on June 9.


However, Gopi’s week was not without its twists and turns. In a surprising move after his swearing-in ceremony, he expressed his desire to resign from his ministerial post, return to his constituency Thrissur, and continue his work in films.


Gopi has been involved in politics throughout his life, starting as a student activist in Kerala’s Kollam district in the 1970s with the Students’ Federation of India, the CPI(M)’s student wing. Over the years, he has navigated between different political fronts. Despite his recent BJP win in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Gopi acknowledged leaders across the political spectrum, including Narendra Modi, Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai, and EK Nayanar, showing awareness of Kerala’s diverse political landscape.


In the election, Gopi defeated Congress candidate K Muraleedharan, the son of former Kerala Chief Minister K Karunakaran, whom Gopi greatly admires. He emphasized that his victory wasn’t just due to RSS or BJP support but also garnered from “apolitical” votes, signaling his broad appeal beyond party lines.


Gopi’s political journey began prominently in 2016 when he unexpectedly became a Rajya Sabha member from the BJP. Despite subsequent electoral setbacks in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls and 2021 Assembly elections from Thrissur, he remained a significant figure in Kerala politics.


While Gopi’s popularity soared in the past, he also faced controversies. Last October, he was accused of inappropriate behavior towards a woman journalist during a media interaction in Kozhikode. His comments on various issues, including caste-related remarks and support for the beef ban in Maharashtra, have also stirred debates and criticism.


After navigating through numerous controversies in his past and now after attaining the MOS position, Suresh Gopi has expressed his reluctance to continue in the role, even expressing admiration for Indira Gandhi. Is Suresh Gopi regretting joining the BJP?


Despite these challenges, Gopi’s influence in Thrissur grew, evidenced by increasing BJP vote shares over the years, reaching 37.80% in 2024 from 28.19% previously.


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