The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed an FIR against Congress MP Karti Chidambaram in a fresh corruption case, accusing him of accepting bribes to allegedly help lift a ban imposed on alcoholic beverage company Diageo Scotland for the sale of duty-free liquor, according to a Times Of India report.
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The FIR, filed on January 1 based on a complaint by CBI Inspector Ravi Raj Khatik, also mentions Advantage Strategic Consulting Private Limited, an entity controlled by the Congress MP and his associate S Bhaskararaman, and Diageo Scotland, Sequoia Capital Mauritius and Vasan Healthcare Private Limited.
A preliminary probe was started in May 2018 against Karti Chidambaram, Advantage Strategic Consulting, Bhaskararaman and unknown public servants of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board, among others, to probe the processing and approvals by the panel.
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