
Goa BJP Minister Vishwajit Rane to Move Breach of Privilege Motion Against A Reputed National Newspaper Editor-in-Chief on Monday

Panaji, Goa – In a significant development within the Goa Legislative Assembly, Minister for Town and Country Planning Vishwajit Rane has initiated a breach of privilege motion against the Editor-in-Chief of a reputed national publication, on Thursday. The motion, to be presented on Monday, accuses the Editor-in-Chief of disseminating false and malicious information that has allegedly tarnished the image of Goa.

Rane’s motion was spurred by what he describes as baseless allegations published in a recent article by the national outlet. The minister expressed deep concerns over the negative portrayal of the state and its governance, asserting that the information presented in the article lacked factual accuracy and aimed to mislead the public and termed the article as malicious and factually incorrect.

“The integrity of our state is of utmost importance,” Rane stated during the assembly session. “The article in question not only misrepresents the efforts and achievements of our government but also seeks to harm the reputation of Goa on a national level.”

Rane also highlighted the particularly egregious timing of the publication, noting that the image of Goa is being tarnished especially when the house is in session. He emphasized that such negative portrayals during active legislative proceedings bring undue bad fame to the state, its people, and even the assembly itself.

Rane, on the floor of the house, further emphasized the seriousness of the situation, stating, “This is nothing but contempt of the house because proceedings of the house are going on. This national publication is carrying out a malicious campaign against the state of Goa on falsehood. I will put each and every fact on the floor of the House on Monday.”

The breach of privilege motion would be taken up in the assembly on Monday with the minister assuring that he would place a detailed document with each and every facts of the case before the house.

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