India National News

“Pune Porsche Teen Was Aware Of The Incident”: Top Cop

On Friday, Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar addressed the media by saying that the minor was aware of his actions at the time of the accident. Pune police said they are working to build a strong case against everyone involved in the incident where the 17-year-old boy allegedly killed two people with his high-end car.

Kumar said, “We are trying to make this a strong case. We have already filed charges against the father of the accused and the bar owners. We are currently analyzing the evidence. The accused was aware of what he was doing and knew about the incident,”.

Regarding the allegation that the Agarwal family’s driver was pressured to take the blame for the accident, the officer said, “An effort was made to change the driver during that time. We are investigating this as well. It is true that, at first, the driver said he was driving the car. We are also looking into who pressured the driver to make that statement.”

Kumar further added, “That same day, we presented him to the Juvenile Justice Board and urged them to consider it a heinous crime and treat the accused as an adult. Until the order to consider an adult is passed, we wanted to keep the accused in remand observation home…Both our applications were rejected that very day…Under the Juvenile Justice Act, we registered a case against his parents and the pub owner.”

The police claim they have evidence showing the minor consumed alcohol, including CCTV footage and receipts from two restaurants where the boy, the son of a real estate developer, drank before the accident.

On Wednesday, the Juvenile Justice Board of Pune sent the accused teen to an observation home until June 5. There was massive outrage after the Juvenile Justice Board granted the minor bail on May 19 with conditions that included mandatory counselling, participation in a de-addiction program, and writing a 300-word essay on road safety.

Police Commissioner Kumar denied claims that ‘pizzas and burgers’ were offered to the 17-year-old boy arrested in the Pune Porsche crash while in custody after the incident on May 19.


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