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Ujjain Presiding Officer Removed For Chanting ‘Modi Modi’

A presiding officer was removed from election duty on Monday after being accused of chanting ‘Modi-Modi’ at a polling booth in Ujjain. The incident occurred at polling booth number 33 in ward 37 of the Nilganga area, where the officer, identified as Aarti, allegedly showed support for a party to a group of voters.

The Congress party raised strong objections and demanded her immediate removal. After being confronted, the presiding officer apologized and explained her actions. In response to the allegations and protests, the presiding officer was promptly removed from the duties to maintain the integrity of the election process. The district administration has assured a thorough investigation into the matter.

As per the complaint, the presiding officer chanted ‘Modi-Modi’ in front of the voters waiting at the polling booth. Upon learning about this incident, several Congress leaders, including the candidate, arrived at the centre. The Congress party raised strong objections and demanded her immediate removal. After being confronted, the presiding officer apologized and explained her actions.

Police station in-charge Vivek Kanodia also arrived at the polling centre following reports of the incident. In response to the situation, Parmar and his supporters staged a sit-in protest, pressing for the officer’s removal. Later, A formal complaint was lodged with the district election officer, which resulted in immediate orders for the presiding officer’s replacement to ensure the election’s integrity.

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Congress candidate Mahesh Parmar reported that the presiding officer at a Ujjain polling booth audibly chanted slogans in favour of Modi and the BJP. “Our team members witnessed her making these statements,” Parmar said.

Following their complaint, the district election officer assured strict action, including potential suspension. Parmar added that they contacted the chief minister to highlight the state of democracy in his hometown and the city of Baba Mahakal. A formal complaint was also lodged with the Election Commission, which led to the officer’s immediate removal.

Neeraj Kumar Singh, Ujjain collector and district election officer, said, “The presiding officer was removed immediately after the complaint surfaced. She has been accused of promoting a party. An investigation is currently ongoing. If it is confirmed, strict action will be taken,” as reported by TOI.

Amidst this, BJP MLA Malini Gaud demanded the removal of a polling officer deployed at a voting station for allegedly asking electors to vote for NOTA. District election officer Asheesh Singh said, “The complaint was disposed of after the polling officer was found not involved in influencing voters in any way,”

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