
Editorial with Sujit Nair: Are elections free and fair?

In this editorial segment, Mr. Sujit Nair delves into the contentious issue of the fairness of elections in India, specifically focusing on the financial dynamics that shape the political landscape. According to a report by the Election Commission of India (ECI), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has emerged as the major recipient of public donations, accumulating a substantial ā‚¹719 crore in funding for the fiscal year 2022-23. In contrast, the financial support for the Congress party has dwindled to a mere ā‚¹79 crore. Mr. Sujit Nair emphasizes the significant role that financial resources play in the electoral process, highlighting the challenges faced by political contenders due to the monetary demands of running a campaign. The assertion is made that the evident correlation between party budgets and electoral success underscores the difficulties faced by those with limited financial means in effectively participating in the democratic process. In essence, the discussion revolves around the idea that the unequal distribution of funds among political parties creates an environment where those with larger budgets are given a distinct advantage in the electoral arena. The commentary by Mr. Sujit Nair underscores concerns about the democratic principles of free and fair elections in India, suggesting that the financial disparities may compromise the level playing field necessary for a truly equitable democratic process.

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