On Saturday, while some states plan on extending the lockdown, total confirmed COVID-19 cases in India zoomed past the 26,000-mark. New Delhi| Few states are...
Centre had previously sent the 6 teams to Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan and West Bengal to examine the implementation of lockdown measures. New Delhi: The Ministry...
COVID-19 spread was edging out of control in urban municipalities & it compelled the officials to intensify lockdown, CM Palaniswami said. Chennai| From Sunday, Tamil...
In 7 days, Gujarat has more than tripled its number of novel coronavirus infections, and those dying of the highly infectious virus. Ahemdabad| As Kerala...
US President Donald Trump’s bizarre idea came after he learned about the effects of sunlight & household disinfectants on the virus. Washington| US President Donald...
On Thursday, Mumbai registered 522 more cases, taking the total number of COVID-19 cases to 4,025 or 65% of Maharashtra’s total. Mumbai: On Thursday Maharashtra...