India is actively working towards finding a “feasible resolution” concerning its military presence in the Maldives amid escalating diplomatic tensions between the two nations. The...
In the midst of heightened tensions between Iran and Pakistan, India defended Iran, framing its actions as an “act of self-defence”. Ministry of External Affairs...
Once considered the world’s most populous nation before being surpassed by India, China is now facing a population decline for the second consecutive year. According...
In response to the India-Maldives diplomatic dispute over derogatory remarks by Maldivian ministers after Prime Minister Modi’s Lakshadweep visit, External Affairs Minister Jaishankar stated that...
In the midst of tensions between India and Maldives, Indian High Commission officials held discussions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Male. The meeting...
India successfully conducted a flight test of the new-generation AKASH missile from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur, Odisha. The DRDO-led test involved intercepting...
During a business summit in India, Ukrainian leaders urged for Indian support in rebuilding their war-torn economy, presenting it as a mutually beneficial opportunity. Kyiv’s...
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) summoned YouTube India’s government affairs head on January 15, requesting a list of channels with inappropriate...
In response to the escalating controversy involving Maldives ministers, Lakshadweep Administrator Praful Khoda Patel emphasized India’s intolerance for insults against its Prime Minister. During an...