As per an Indian Express report, state-run Mahanagar Telecom Nagam Limited has sought financial assistance worth around Rs 1000 crore from the Centre to meet...
In 9 years, 7.58 lakh Mumbaikars say Goodbye to MTNL’s landline service. Currently, there are 14,75,547 customers. 3.25 lakh new customers registered in 9 years....
The government in its cabinet meeting has decided to revive the Public Sector Telecom companies. The Union cabinet approved a four step revival plan including...
Both BSNL and MTNL have a high revenue-to-wage ratio. BSNL has a headcount of 163,000 while MTNL employs 22,000 workforce. NEW DELHI| On Wednesday Cabinet...
The government, desperate to meet its fiscal deficit target of 3.4% of GDP, earmarked an ambitious ₹ 1.05 Trillion as its disinvestment receipts. To meet...
It is an undisputed fact that government-owned enterprises ie. PSUs incur huge losses and bleed cash, resulting in a colossal waste of public funds. Bankrupt...
New Delhi | State-owned Telecom operator Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) today found itself in trouble after it praised a right-wing trolls tweet on Nathuram Godse....