The Mumbai Police, on Saturday, detained Brucke Pharma owner Rajesh Dokaniya, saying a truckload of Remdesivir was caught. Remdesivir, a crucial drug in the treatment...
Within six days of taking charge, Hemant Nagrale initiated an immediate transfer of 65 officers of the Mumbai Crime Branch. Now, officers from EOW are...
Parambir Singh wrote a letter to CM Uddhav Thackeray last week, claiming that Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has asked the police officers to make...
Anil Deshmukh responded by taking a stand on this entire controversy himself. He tweeted a video in which he recounted his activities on 15 February....
According to sources, an investigation into the footage has revealed that both Mansukh Hiren and Sachin Vaze met for 10 minutes near CSMT on February...