Varun Gandhi shared a video of Lakhimpur incident and tweeted, the video is crystal clear, protestors cannot be silenced through murder. There has to be...
Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi met the families of the victim and demand justice from the government. To know more watch the video. #RahulGandhi #PriyankaGandhi...
“Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and three others will be allowed to visit Lakhimpur Kheri – where eight people died Sunday in violence...
Lakhimpur : Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi and Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Wednesday met families of the victims who were killed in the violence...
Congress’s Rahul Gandhi, permitted to visit Lakhimpur Kheri, had a face-off with the UP police today when he landed in Lucknow airport today over transport...