
As Taliban Captures Most of Afghanistan, the Silence of the International Community Is Shocking: Dr Mathai

“Failure to condemn such irrational brutality of Taliban indicates a non-committal attitude of the international community.”

Last week, Taliban executed a 21 year old girl reminiscent of ISIS for wearing jeans and not a single Muslim organisation condemned it. The US troops withdrawal has been the biggest blunder of the decade, said Dr Abraham Mathai, the Chairman of Harmony Foundation & former Vice-Chairman of Minorities Commission.

As the Taliban continues its onslaught on the Afghan population, the radical Islamic terrorists are now going door-to-door to forcibly ‘marry’ girls as young as 12 and forcing them into sex slavery a reminiscent of the ISIS. According to a report by Daily Mail, the Taliban commanders, after capturing some of the provincial capitals, have ordered local Imams to bring the lists of unmarried women aged from 12 to 45 for their soldiers to marry as they view them as ‘qhanimat’ or ‘spoils of war’. The Taliban intends to “divide” these kids among themselves as Jihadists consider them as a ‘prize’, Dr Mathai added.

“Failure to condemn such irrational brutality of Taliban indicates a non-committal attitude of the international community. It beats ones imagination at the way the rest of the world maintains silence in the face of such shocking atrocities.”

“This is a genuine cause of concern to not only Afghanistan but to the whole region as Taliban advances by capturing major parts of the country as days go by,” Dr Mathai added.

“It’s extremely unbecoming for the Taliban to go on an anarchic move of forcibly marrying girls as young as 12 years which amounts to sex slavery and killing young girls indiscriminately, latest being a 21 year old girl for allegedly wearing tight clothes. As per an Afghan student doing his post graduation in India such brutal acts are quite common and this incident was fortunately reported in the media with many such cases going unreported.”

“The reason for her execution cannot be justified under any circumstances whatsoever including the supposed rape of 12 year olds. This unjustified act of terror should be condemned by the entire fraternity of the Muslim community as Quran doesn’t advocate for such brutal acts and arbitrary execution according to its teachings.
To show solidarity with the victim the community should rise up and vehemently condemn such barbaric acts of brutality unacceptable in the modern and civilized world,” he argued.

“An uproar by the Muslim community seeking their complete ban will definitely have a ripple effect in halting the Taliban from their murderous orgies as silence of the Muslim community will be interpreted by them as an acceptance of their savage behaviour.”

“The withdrawal of US troops has escalated the killing of innocent civilians by Taliban which should be a cause of genuine concern for the international community.To contain this menace from escalating further which is currently beyond the control of the Afghan security forces, the 1966 UN convention on the protection of civil and political rights should be invoked without any further delay and be enforced by the UN peacekeeping forces to ensure that sanity and stability is maintained. Hauling the Taliban before the International Criminal Court at the Hague should also be considered seriously by the UN security council or else the Taliban will continue to run amok with the rest of the world just watching helplessly when there are mechanisms at the international level to prevent the same.”

“The same uproarious condemnation that was raised against Al Qaeda and ISIS globally should be applied against the Taliban. Failure to do so amounts to or gives the impression that the Taliban is handled exceptionally for political reasons despite the atrocious onslaught they are perpetrating on the civilian population in Afghanistan,” the former Chairman of the minorities commission said.

“It’s time the UN applied its full might to halt the advances of the Taliban as consequences of their unchecked actions is leading to savagery and brutality worse than the ISIS.”


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