
India Experienced 65 Exam Paper Leaks Since 2019: Report

In a troubling trend that threatens the integrity of India’s education and recruitment systems, at least 65 major examinations across 19 states have been compromised by question paper leaks since 2019. This startling revelation comes from an analysis drawn from public records and media reports.

The scope of this crisis extends far beyond the recent controversy surrounding the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)-UG 2024. Four other national-level examinations have fallen victim to paper leaks, including the Indian Army’s Common Entrance Examination (2021), the Central Teachers’ Eligibility Test (2023), NEET-UG 2021, and Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains 2021.

At the state level, Uttar Pradesh leads with eight reported incidents, followed closely by Rajasthan and Maharashtra with seven cases each. Bihar, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh have also been significantly affected. The impact of these leaks is far-reaching, with 45 of the compromised exams being for government recruitment. As a result, more than three lakh government positions have been left unfilled due to exam cancellations or postponements.

The repercussions of these leaks are severe, affecting various sectors including education, law enforcement, and public administration. Teacher Eligibility Tests, police recruitment exams, and even specialized examinations for forest and engineering positions have been compromised across multiple states.

Particularly alarming is the emergence of a sophisticated, multi-state criminal network profiting from this chaos. These organized groups charge exorbitant fees to provide advance access to question papers. A recent sting operation by India Today’s Special Investigation Team exposed the inner workings of this illicit industry, revealing how sealed boxes are tampered with during transportation and how blacklisted companies continue to secure tenders.

The widespread nature of this problem calls for urgent and comprehensive action from both state and central authorities. Stricter security measures, advanced technology implementation, and harsher penalties for those involved in leaks are essential steps toward restoring faith in India’s examination system. As the country grapples with this challenge, the future of millions of aspiring students and job seekers hangs in the balance.

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