
Telangana Government Cuts Salaries of Government Employees

Coronavirus consequence, state government employees face salary cut down, CM Kamal Nath’s salary will be 75% cut along with other officials with 60%

HYDERABAD | The Coronavirus is adversely impacting the Telangana State’s economic situation. In this background, the state government had to act with caution and foresight. A high-level review meeting held on Monday at Pragathi Bhavan on the financial situation of the State. After reviewing the financial condition of the state, decisions are taken on payment of various salaries.

The government have decided, there will be 75 per cent cut on the salaries of the CM Kamal Nath, State cabinet, MLCs, MLAs, State Corporation Chairpersons, Local Bodies representatives.

Further, there will be 60 per cent salary cut of IAS, IPS IFS and other such central services officer. For all other categories of employees, there will be a 50 per cent salary cut.

For class IV, outsourcing and contract employees, there will be 10 per cent cut. For all category of pensioners there will be 50 per cent cut.

Additional for the class IV retired employees there will be 10 per cent cut.

For all the Public Sector Undertakings, Institutions that are receiving the government grants employees, like the government employees and retirees, there will be cut in their salaries.

Following the situation in the state right now and the situation of the economy of the Nation, the state has taken strictly decisions.

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