
BJP announces candidates for Kartanaka bye-elections

Bengaluru | The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday announced its candidates for the upcoming by-polls on the 3 Lok Sabha and 2 assembly seats in Karnataka.

In an issued statement, BJP central election committee has announced the candidature for the by polls on the Bellary(ST), Shimoga and Mandya parliamentary seats along with the assembly seats of Jamkhandi and Ramanagaram.

According to the statement, J Shanta will contest from the Bellary (ST) seat, BY Raghavendra from Shimoga and Siddaramegowda from Mandya Lok Sabha seat. The BJP also announced that Srikhnath Kulkarni will contest from Jamkhandi assembly seat while L Chandrashekar from Ramanagaram seat.

The Election Commission on October 6 had announced that the by-elections in three Lok Sabha and two Assembly constituencies in Karnataka will be conducted on November 3 while the results will be declared on November 6.

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