On Friday Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor, who is a sister-in-law of the anchor Sonal Mehrotra was tested positive of Covid-19 The NDTV news anchor Sonal...
Countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, the Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka would all receive the help The founder of Alibaba Foundation...
Maharashtra recorded 49 new cases as per the data published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. However, state Health Minister Rajesh Tope said that...
State Health Superintendent Ajay Kumar Chakraborty said this morning, “A positive report of a swab examination of a woman was found after 9:30 pm yesterday....
In this episode of the In-Conversation, our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair speaks to Dr Neeraj Tulara infection disease specialist on the spread of Coronavirus...
Raje tweeted, “As a matter of abundant caution, my son and I have immediately self-quarantined and we are taking all necessary precautions” Senior BJP leader...
India has tested around 13,285 people while WHO has urged countries to test every suspect case, not just people with relevant travel or contact history....