While thanking Shah Rukh Khan, Rajesh Tope, Health Minister of Maharashtra, said his contribution will help the healthcare workers immensely. Mumbai| Shah Rukh Khan contributed...
The proposed deal with the US is said to improve India’s capability to meet current and future threats from enemy weapon systems. Washington: The Congress was...
DGCA tweeted that all domestic and international scheduled airlines operations shall remain suspended till 11:59 pm of 03 May 2020. New Delhi| Soon after PM...
Islamic Sect Chief Maulana Saad had been quarantined since March 28. His lawyer said he will join probe after the quarantine period ends. New Delhi|...
As India today crossed the 10,000-mark while COVID-19 cases reached 10,363, Prime Minister Modi extended the lockdown until 3rd May. New Delhi: The total number...
Following requests from states to extend the lockdown, PM Narendra Modi announced that the lockdown will continue till 3rd May. New Delhi| Prime Minister Narendra...
Across the globe, over 1.8 million people have been infected by coronavirus & at least 114,185 people have died, according to the latest data available....