In Maharashtra’s Raigad, a private bus overturned, causing two fatalities and injuring 55 Pune-based company employees en route to Harihareshwar for New Year’s Eve. Nine...
In Jharkhand’s Giridih district, Afsana Khatoon allegedly strangled her 2-year-old son for crying during a phone call. Afsana, married to Nizamuddin with two sons, reportedly...
In Massachusetts, an Indian-origin couple and their teenage daughter were found dead in a suspected domestic violence incident. Rakesh, 57, Teena, 54, and 18-year-old Ariana...
Gujarat Police questioned 20 passengers returning from France on a grounded plane suspected of human trafficking. Focused on uncovering an alleged illegal immigration network, officials,...
The Kerala government amended its petition in the Supreme Court, urging directions for the Governor to clear pending bills promptly. The state seeks Supreme Court...
Starting January 1, China will simplify visa applications for U.S. tourists, reducing required documents to revive tourism and stimulate the economy post-COVID-19. Applicants won’t need...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated two new Amrit Bharat trains and six Vande Bharat trains from the renovated Ayodhya Dham Station. The Amrit Bharat trains...
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma-led BJP government in Rajasthan is set for its inaugural cabinet expansion on Saturday. Around 18 to 20 MLAs are anticipated to...
In Northern Mexico, three gunmen attacked a party, resulting in six deaths and 26 injured, with two victims under 18. The incident in Ciudad Obregon,...