The first day of the G20 summit started with a significant announcement. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a brief televised inaugural session, introduced a groundbreaking...
Hosting international dignitaries and advocating for global reforms isn’t the sole item on PM Modi’s agenda for the G20 summit. Over the course of the...
Equal pay for equal work is a fundamental principle in labor rights, emphasizing that individuals in the same workplace should receive equal compensation, regardless of...
Equal pay for equal work is a fundamental principle in labor rights, emphasizing that individuals in the same workplace should receive equal compensation, regardless of...
As the national capital of India adorns itself with ornamental flowers and fountains, it eagerly prepares to host the 18th G20 summit on September 9th...
Karnataka’s Sugarcane Development and Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) Minister, Shivanand Patil, stirred up quite a storm on a regular Tuesday. You see, he made...