Covid 19

Covid Update : 6,822 Fresh Covid Cases In India, Lowest In 558 days

New Delhi: India recorded 6,822 fresh covid cases in India on Tuesday. The total active cases in India stands at 95,014 it is the lowest in 554 consecutive days. India’s active cases account for less than 1% of the total cases and are currently at 0.27% this is the lowest since March 2020.

The entire recovery rate in India currently stands at 98.36 percent, this is the highest since March 2020. India logged 10,004 recoveries in the past 24 hours taking the total number of recoveries to 3,40,79,612.

India’s Omicron tally is steadily rising with fresh cases of the worrisome variant in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Delhi. Seven in Maharashtra, nine in Jaipur, and a man in Delhi were found positive with the variant, taking the total count in the country to 21.

A total of 128.76 crore vaccine doses have been administered till now in India under Nationwide Vaccination Drive. The daily positivity was recorded at 0.94 percent while the weekly positivity rate was 0.78 percent.

India’s Omicron tally is steadily rising with fresh cases of the worrisome variant in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Delhi. Seven in Maharashtra, nine in Jaipur, and a man in Delhi were found positive with the variant, taking the total count in the country to 21.

A total of 128.76 crore vaccine doses have been administered till now in India under Nationwide Vaccination Drive. The daily positivity was recorded at 0.94 percent while the weekly positivity rate was 0.78 percent.

Covid In Mizoram

Mizoram on Tuesday reported 330 new COVID-19 cases, 238 more than the previous day, pushing the tally to 1,36,784. The death count rose to 508 as a 65-year-old man from Aizawl district succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours. The single-day test positivity rate rose to 8.47 percent from 5.89 percent on Monday.

Covid In Maharashtra

With the addition of 91 new cases of coronavirus, the infection count in Maharashtra’s Thane district has reached 5,69,962, while one more death raised the count to 11,589. The COVID-19 mortality rate in Thane is now 2.03 per cent percent.

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