
Merchant vessels collide in Gulf of Kutch

Kutch : Two merchant vessels have collided in the Gulf of Kutch, although no casualty or oil slick has been reported in the incident, a defence official in Gujarat said on Saturday.

The two merchant vessels – Aviator and Atlantic Grace – collided on November 26 night, the defence spokesperson in the state said in a tweet.

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ships are on standby in the vicinity and monitoring the situation, the official said.

“Collision betwn MVs Aviator and Atlantic Grace in GoK on 26 November night. No casualties, oil slick reported. Indian Coast Guard Ships in the area incl. Pollution Control stand-by in vicinity & monitoring the situation,” the Gujarat defence PRO said in the tweet.

Indian Coast Guard ships in the vicinity have been put on stand-by, while the situation continues to be monitored, said the PRO. A pollution control vessel in the area has also been put on stand-by.

The Gulf of Kutch is one of the primary routes for India’s oil trade, making it a particularly busy sea route that has seen oil spills in the past.


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