
Search operation underway for 3 terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir

A search operation is underway for second consecutive day today on Thursday to trace three terrorists who opened fire at a personnel of CRPF and a forest guard on the Jammu-Srinagar highway in the district of Udhampur.

After the attack, they had disappeared in the bushes in the area of Jhajar Kotli on Wednesday.

The police said, “A search operation is being carried out by the army, police and the Central Reserve Police Force in the forests of Jhajar and adjoining areasā€.

A local from the area told the security forces that at around 10 in the night, three terrorists who were fully armed and were carrying haversacks got into his house, changed their clothes and took water and biscuits and left.

The movement of the terrorists is being kept a tab on using helicopters, drones and other kinds of surveillance gadgets said a police officer.

The traffic on the national highway between Nagrota and Jhajar Kotli has been as of now suspended. As a matter of fact, schools of the area have been shut for a day.

The three terrorists were there on a truck when they opened fire at the two victims. They then left the vehicle and hid into the dense bushy forest. The police have however detained the helper and the driver of the truck.

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