Bihar Police have booked poll strategist-turned-politician Prashant Kishor. The case was registered allegedly for instigating the students’ protest. A few coaching centre owners and over 700 unknown protesters were also booked on Sunday. The protest was held by Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) aspirants in Patna’s Gandhi Maidan. Kishor and others have been accused of “unauthorisedly” gathering people.
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Meanwhile, Prashant Kishor is set to address a press conference today at 11 am on the issue. According to the police, Kishor and other members of his party provoked the candidates. The agitation began in mid-December and was triggered by allegations of a paper leak and several other irregularities during the exam.
The protests turned violent, breaking police loudspeakers and clashing with magistrates and police officers on duty. “Despite repeated requests by the administration, these people violated the guidelines of the administration and disrupted public order”.
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According to reports, the Police were seen using batons and water cannons to disperse the crowd of students. The protesting students in Patna are demanding the cancellation of the Integrated Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination (CCE) 202. The exams were conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) on December 13.
The District Magistrate informed that “Water cannons and mild force were used to disperse protestors as some of them blocked traffic by lying on the roads near JP Golumber”.
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He further informed that “The government has been sensitive towards the concerns of the protesting students. The chief secretary has agreed to meet a five-member delegation. But protestors seemed to be disorganized and unable to nominate five persons”.
Thousands of aspirants continued their protest at Gandhi Maidan on Sunday, seeking re-examination of the 70th BPSC preliminary examination. The protesting students intended to proceed to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s residence. They wanted to meet him and discuss the issue.
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Prashant Kishor participated in the march to JP Golambar expressing his support for the students. Kishor further announced that a student delegation would meet the Chief Secretary. However, the students refused to meet anyone but the Chief Minister and their insistence led to police action.
According to news agency PTI, Prashant Kishore slammed Nitish Kumar. Kishore said, “The CM is going to Delhi on a private visit but has no time for the youth of his own state”.
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Kishor said, “The Chief Minister does not have time to listen to the grievances of the protesting aspirants and has gone to Delhi. The protest will continue till their demand for the cancellation of the exam is not accepted. I am always with the protesting students.”
The FIR was registered against more than 19 people, including Manoj Bharti, the president of the Jan Suraaj Party, and Rahmanshu Mishra. Furthermore, coaching institute operators – Nikhil Mani Tiwari, Subhash Kumar Thakur, and Shubham Snehlil. Prashant Kishor and two bouncers accompanying him, Anand Mishra and Rakesh Kumar Mishra; and others.
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According to India Today, over 700 unidentified people were also listed as accused. The District Magistrate of Patna confirmed the development, saying that an investigation into the matter is underway.
According to reports, the candidates claimed that question papers were given late. Some say that they got the papers nearly an hour after the exam was slated to commence. Others alleged that the answer sheets were torn, strengthening fears of malpractice.
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