The horrific incident of an Udaipur tailor being murdered on video has shook the country. The victim was killed on Tuesday allegedly over his social media posts supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. In a shocking video surfaced on social media, two men are seen killing the man. In another video, the two men are seen with the alleged murder weapon. In this video, the murderers not only admit to killing the man over a social media post in support of Nupur Sharma, but also threaten Prime Minister Modi.
Reacting to the incident, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said “brutalism in the name of religion cannot be tolerated”.
In his tweet in Hindi, the former Congress President wrote: “I am deeply shocked by the heinous murder in Udaipur. Brutalism in the name of religion cannot be tolerated. Those who spread terror due to this cruelty should be punished immediately. We all have to defeat hate together. I appeal to all, please maintain peace and brotherhood.”
उदयपुर में हुई जघन्य हत्या से मैं बेहद स्तब्ध हूं।
धर्म के नाम पर बर्बरता बर्दाश्त नहीं की जा सकती। इस हैवानियत से आतंक फैलाने वालों को तुरंत सख़्त सज़ा मिले।
हम सभी को साथ मिलकर नफ़रत को हराना है। मेरी सभी से अपील है, कृपया शांति और भाईचारा बनाए रखें।
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) June 28, 2022
Meanwhile, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, condemning the shocking murder, called for strict action against people responsible for the incident.
“A heinous murder has been committed and a thorough investigation will be conducted into the incident. Few accused have been identified. Police teams have been constituted to locate the accused. We will take action on the video of men claiming to have committed the act,” the Superintendent of Police of Udaipur was quoted as saying by India Today.
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