
“Customer Didn’t Take Food From Me, Spat On My Face Because I Am Dalit”: Zomato Delivery Boy’s Shocking Revelation


According to reports, in a shocking case from Lucknow, food delivery was not taken from the delivery boy of a company because he was a Dalit by caste. 

In this new era, a very shameful incident has happened which could wake us up to the reality of caste discrimination in this country. According to reports, in a shocking case from Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, food delivery was not taken from the delivery boy of a company because he was a Dalit by caste. The matter did not end here. The customer went on to abuse the delivery boy with casteist slurs and beat him mercilessly, the delivery boy claimed. Angered by this, the victim delivery boy lodged a complaint with the Ashiana police station. The Ashiana police have registered a case against two named and 12 unknown. Simultaneously, the investigation in the matter has started. However, the police denied the allegations of the delivery boy. The police said that there was only a fight between the two parties over abusing. The victim has deliberately given the Dalit angle over the fight, the police said.

What’s the allegation? 

Vineet Kumar Rawat lives with his family in Qila Mohammadi village. He works for AC plantation in a courier company. Apart from this, he also does the work of food home delivery for Zomato. Vineet told that on Saturday night, the message of delivery of Zomato’s order number 4129487231 came. And he reached the house of Ajay Singh, a resident of Sector-H, to deliver the order. Ajay Singh asked the name before taking the delivery packet. The delivery boy gave his name. On hearing the name, the person asking for the name started abusing. He said that we will not take the goods touched by a Dalit. On this, Vineet protested and said that you have an order. If you want to take, take it, otherwise cancel the order. At this, the young man got furious.

“Spit tobacco on my face”

Vineet Kumar Rawat alleges that the youth got angry on the matter of canceling the order. He spit on his face the tobacco filled in his mouth. When Vineet opposed this, 12 other people present inside the house also came out. And then started beating him with sticks. Somehow, he escaped from there to save his life. Then informed the police control room.

FIR filed 

On receiving the information, PRV reached the spot and helped Vineet get his bike back. The victim then lodged a complaint against Ajay Singh, Abhay Singh and 12 others at Ashiana police station. According to Inspector-in-Charge Deepak Kumar Pandey, on the complaint of the victim, a case has been registered against the accused under several sections including SC, ST Act, assault, rebellion, intimidation. Raids are being conducted in search of the accused.

Police Commissioner cites different version

According to Police Commissioner DK Thakur, when Vineet Rawat reached the customer’s house on Saturday night, Ajay Singh was going to drop his relative at home. As he was leaving the house, Zomato delivery boy Vineet reached. When Vineet asked for the address of his house, Ajay spit the masala he was eating in his mouth to tell the address of the house, when his splatter fell on Vineet. On this, delivery boy Vineet abused Ajay. Reacting to that, Ajay and his family gathered and beat up Vineet. After the quarrel, the incident was reported to112. When the team of 112 reached and both were asked to walk to the police station, Vineet refused to go. Instead, on Sunday, he came to the police station with the lawyer. At present, an FIR is being registered on the basis of complaint and investigation is going on.

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