On Sunday, the Mumbai Police arrested the man who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The attack took place at his quadruplex Bandra residence in the ‘Satguru Sharan’ Building. The arrest comes three days after the incident.
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The attacker had been successfully evading the 35 teams of Mumbai police. It took three days of rigorous manhunt and several rounds of questioning of several suspects to finally catch the culprit. The attacker is identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad.
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Addressing a press conference, DCP Zone 9 Dikshit Gadam said that no valid documents have been recovered from the arrested accused who “looks like” he is a Bangladeshi national. According to the police, the accused entered the residence of the renowned actor with the intent to commit theft.
The accused was 31 year old Shariful Islam Shehzad who had been residing in and around Mumbai for the past 5-6 months. He did not have any valid proof of Indian residence and was seizures show that he was a Bangladeshi national, said Mumbai police in a media briefing.
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The police while addressing the press conference said, “His name is Shariful Islam (30). He entered the house with the intention of robbery. There is primary evidence to assume that this accused is a Bangladeshi. We will produce him in court and seek his police custody for further investigation. No valid Indian documents have been found with him, it looks like he is a Bangladeshi national”.
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“Prima facie the accused is a Bangladeshi and after entering India illegally he changed his name. Currently, he is using Vijay Das as his name. He came to Mumbai five to six months ago. The accused was using multiple aliases. He stayed in Mumbai for a few days and then in the vicinity of Mumbai. He used to work in a housekeeping agency,” the DCP said.
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Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during a burglary attempt at his residence Satguru Sharan at Bandra on Thursday. The actor was immediately taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital for treatment after sustaining major injuries, including stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
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According to the hospital administration, Saif Ali Khan was doing well and has been moved from the ICU to a normal room. The surgery, which involved removing a 2.5-inch-long blade, was successful, and while Saif is currently “out of danger,” medical staff continue to monitor his condition closely.
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