Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, speaking about the BJP’s relationship with the Thackeray’s, has said, “Earlier, Uddhav Thackeray was a friend, and now Raj Thackeray is a friend, but Uddhav Thackeray is not a shatru (enemy),” CM Fadnavis said while interacting with senior journalist Vivek Ghalsas.
Speaking about NCP (SP) patriarch Sharad Pawar’s praise for the RSS after the poll results, Mr Fadnavis said the veteran leader has realised how the RSS overcame the fake narrative spread by the opposition.
“Before the assembly polls, many people inspired by the RSS played their role and burst the fake narrative. Sharad Pawar saheb is very intelligent. He would have studied this and realised that this (RSS) is not a regular political power but a nationalist power. That is why he may have praised the RSS,” Fadnavis said.
Reports suggest, while addressing party workers in Mumbai, the veteran politician said that the RSS’s working methodology and its aggressive Hindutva campaigning were the key pillars behind BJP’s success in the state elections last year, where the party won 132 out of the 149 seats it contested.
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