
Editorial With Sujit Nair | PM Modi’s G7 Visit: How Did India Benefit?

In this episode of ‘Editorial,’ Mr. Sujit Nair raises an important question: has India truly benefited from PM Modi’s recent visit to the G7 Summit in Italy? PM Modi embarked on his first international trip during his third term just four days after being sworn in, and even before his confidence vote, highlighting the significance of the G7 outreach for him. India was one of 12 countries invited to the resort town of Fasano in Italy’s Apulia region, as part of Italian PM Meloni’s initiative to involve the Global South with the G7, which is often viewed as an elitist group. In her effort to dispel the notion of the West vs. the Rest, she also invited Pope Francis, who addressed the G7 for the first time.

#G7Summit #Italy #NarendraModi #GiorgiaMeloni #India #IndiaItaly #RishiSunak #JoeBiden #EmmanuelMacron #Economy #EuropeanUnion #popefrancis

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