
Headlines: Comedian Kunal Kamra’s Scathing Takedown of Modi Govt over Covid Crisis In India

Indian stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra, while featuring in an opinion video for New York Times, spoke about the deaths and devastation caused by Covid-19 in the country, blasting Prime Minister Narendra Modi for allegedly failing to control the crisis. The Mumbai-based comedian, while refering to a speech by PM Modi where he said that India effectively controlled Coronavirus and “saved mankind from tragedy, accused the PM of downplaying the pandemic by “blatantly lying”. Taking a jibe at the central government, the comedian asked: “Did you know India was the first country in the world to beat the coronavirus in January 2021?”

#KunalKamra #NYT #CovidIndia #CovidEmergencyIndia #PMModi #ModiGovt

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