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Devendra Fadnavis’ Nephew Tanmay Fadnavis Jumps The Covid Vaccine Queue, Takes The Jab Out of Turn

“Former Maharashtra CM and Top BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis seems to be controversy’s new favourite child. After facing intense backlash over Remdesivir hoarding allegations, Fadnavis is in hot waters due to his nephew. On Monday these pictures surfaced on Social media. A young man taking a covid-19 vaccine shot. According to reports This is Tanmay Fadnavis, nephew of former CM. He shared this picture on his Instagram profile. Where he is seen taking the covid-19 vaccine at National Cancer Institute in Nagpur. In his caption he mentioned that it was second dose of Vaccination which means that he had also got first dose of vaccine. He reportedly got his first dose at Mumbai’s Seven Hills Hospital Incidentally, Tanmay Fadnavis is 23 years old according to some reports. As per the existing vaccination policy, those above 45 years of age are eligible to get Covid-19 vaccine. The question is then how did Tanmay Fadnavis who is 23 years old was able to get vaccine shot?

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