“Don’t be hasty, change gears. Otherwise what happened in Bengal will happen in the rest of the country,” the Trinamool MP told the centre. Trinamool...
“High drama was witnessed in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday during the discussion on farmers issue with at least Opposition two MPs climbing the reporters’ table...
In the ongoing parliament deadlock, Congress leader of the opposition in Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge sought to invoke Late Arun Jaitley who during the UPA...
The current monsoon session of the parliament has seen multiple disruptions over opposition protest. The united opposition has been demanding discussion over Pegasus Snooping, farm...
Six Trinamool Congress (TMC) MPs on Wednesday were suspended from the Rajya Sabha after they created ruckus in the morning over the Pegasus spying issue....
Parliament proceedings were disrupted for 11 days, finally there seems to be an understanding between the government and Opposition parties and they may get together...