On Wednesday, BJP announced Ashwini Vaishnaw and L Murugan as their Rajya Sabha nominees from Odisha and Madhya Pradesh, respectively. This marks their second term...
Rajya Sabha on Friday passed a bill that aims to curb malpractices and irregularities in competitive examinations and entails provisions for a maximum jail term...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Rajya Sabha.”In the other House, during the voting, it was known that the...
The Election Commission of India declared that elections for 56 Rajya Sabha seats across 15 states will take place on February 27. Nomination papers must...
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar has rejected Arvind Kejriwal’s plea to designate Raghav Chadha as AAP’s interim leader in the Upper House. Dhankhar cited legal...
The Lok Sabha, amidst Opposition suspensions, passed a bill introducing a new mechanism to appoint top election officers. The Rajya Sabha previously approved the Chief...
Today, Parliament approved the Telecommunications Bill, 2023, enabling the government to temporarily manage telecom services for national security. The bill also establishes a non-auction method...
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