
Speak against the Gandhi clan and Twitter will ban your account: Manish Mishra

Manish Mishra said the suspension questions the very essence of democracy and stifles the freedom of speech.



The former Secretary of Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), Delhi, has alleged that his views on the Gandhi family led to the suspension of his social media account. Manish Mishra’s Twitter account has been banned for tweeting his views against the party’s General Secretary, Priyanka Gandhi-Vadra.

Mishra said the suspension questions the very essence of democracy and stifles the freedom of speech. “How does it matter if the tweet was against a prominent person of a political party? If people are being targeted on this basis of political inclination, then how will the world of democracy function?” asked Mishra.

Mishra had recently tweeted against the Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi-Vadra. Citing the Constitution of India, he said, “Article 19 (1) (A) has given us the right that guarantees freedom of speech and expression. We live in a democratic country, yet the approach that we have gotten is quite close to tyranny.”

Recently, Twitter also reeled in Amit B Wadhwani, Co-Producer of Movie PM Narendra Modi Biopic released in 2019, for allegedly expressing views in favour of right-wing.

Mishra also drew parallel with the emergency imposed by the then-prime minister Indira Gandhi in 1975. “That was also declared just to suppress and stifle the voices against her. The Gandhi clan is known to pull such strings when the going gets tough for them. Especially when someone rightfully questions them. They really need to learn the definitions of democracy,” Mishra added.

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