
Editorial with Sujit Nair: “India, China and Russia-Ghulam, Sahib and Biwi”: Subramanian Swamy

In a tweet today, Subramanian Swamy criticized Modi govt. He said, “The world is saying in whispers that BRICS three are really Sahib, Bibi and Ghulam. Modi has lowered India’s self respect by agreeing to sit with Sahib China and Bibi Russia. He cares nothing for Sahib grabbing Bharat Mata’s land after the lullaby sung by Bibi.” In this episode of the Editorial, our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the matter.

#India #China #Russia #UNSC #BRICS #SubramanianSwamy #BJP #JawaharlalNehru #VikramSarabhai #IIM #HomiBhabha #ModiGovt #HWNews

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