Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday visited Ayodhya and announced an aid of Rs 1 crore for the construction of Ram Temple. Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief...
The Central government had constituted an independent 15-member trust last week to oversee the construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya New Delhi: The Ram...
Many devotees believe that the district was the ancient city where Lord Rama had lived while he was traveling to Janakpuri from Ayodhya Lucknow: After...
PM Modi said “Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself was in favor of protecting minorities in Pakistan, I want to ask Congress, was Pandit Nehru communal? New...
Chakrapani also demanded that the government declare karsewaks as “dharmik senani’ and entitle them to pension and other government privileges. On Tuesday Akhil Bharat...