Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Nyingchi town bordering Arunachal Pradesh, during his first visit to Tibet Chinese President Xi Jinping has made a rare visit...
“The plan contains language that does not respect science or common sense,” said Zeng Yixin, vice minister of the National Health Commission. China vehemently opposed...
Expressing concern over the rising population in the country, BJP MP from Mandsaur Sudhir Gupta blamed “people like Aamir Khan”, the Bollywood actor, for “population...
It was an emotional farewell for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily. As the newspaper printed its final edition on Thursday, readers and supporters were...
Inside the Apple Daily newsroom, the staff greeted each other with applause and tears as the newspaper’s executive editor sent the last edition for print....
The reason cited at the time for withdrawal was that the sequence information had been updated and was being submitted to another database, the agency...