India registered 15,786 fresh COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 14 per cent lower than yesterday’s 18,454 cases. The government has been continuously speeding...
New Delhi: PM Modi congratulated the nation for achieving the one billion vaccine milestone, “This milestone is a success is of India and every citizen...
Mumbai: India registered 15,981 fresh coronavirus cases in last 24 hours, 5.7% lower than yesterday, according to the Union Health Ministry data. The active cases comprise...
Although COVID-19 deaths continue to decline, vaccine inequity persists, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday, again calling for greater support for developing countries. Agency chief...
Many developing nations remain unprotected against disaster, even though it is accepted that building community resilience has many benefits, beyond saving lives and livelihoods. That’s the alert from UN...
India registered 15,823 fresh Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 10.5 percent higher than yesterday. India also reported 226 deaths due to coronavirus....
India registered 18,166 fresh Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the lowest single-day rise in nearly seven months. The country also reported 214 deaths...
COVID-19 has “laid bare deep structural inequalities” everywhere, further widening a multitude of gaps, both within and between countries, the UN High Commissioner for Human...
UK allows fully vaccinated Indian travelers without 10 days quarantine #UK #India #VaccinePolicy #CovidVaccine #Covid19 #Internationaltravelers #ModiGovt #PMModi #Vaccine...