New Delhi: The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, S Harivansh will be leading the Indian representation at the Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers...
“More than 86.90 crore beneficiaries have been cumulatively screened for non-communicable diseases which include 29.95 Crore for Hypertension, 25.56 Crore for Diabetes, 17.44 Crore for...
“Burnt to ashes car, wheels popping out, Bonnet, engine melted. One wouldn’t even imagine this was a luxury Mercedez car that Rishabh Pant was travelling...
India and Serbia traditionally have “very good and friendly relations” based on close ties established when the Non-Aligned Movement was founded, Serbia’s Ministry of Foreign...
Air India Express on Tuesday issued guidelines for the maintenance of Covid-appropriate behaviour by travellers travelling from UAE to India.The recommendation advises that all visitors...