BJP MLA Biswajit Das today switched to the ruling Trinamool Congress in Bengal. In a third defection of lawmaker since Mamata Banerjee’s big victory in...
“Don’t be hasty, change gears. Otherwise what happened in Bengal will happen in the rest of the country,” the Trinamool MP told the centre. Trinamool...
“Believe it or not ‘Khela hobe’ has become very popular. The slogan was raised in Parliament, too, and soon it would reverberate across India,” Banerjee...
When asked who’ll be the face of the United Opposition, Ms Banerjee responded saying: “I’m not an astrologer… Someone will emerge , I will support”....
Bengal home secretary BP Gopalika, in the affidavit, has said that the NHRC team was “fraught with bias against the ruling dispensation” in the state....